sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Pygmalion Effect

One's expectations about a person can eventually lead that person to behave and achieve in ways that confirm those expectations” (taken from http://www.users.muohio.edu/shermalw/edp603_group2-f00.html )

If you believe so hard in something, it might just become true. We have heard a lot of histories about succesful actors, football players, basketball players, scientists, politicias, etc. All of them, have something in common, and is that they say that is because they believe so much in something, that it became true. The Pygmalion Effect tell us that if an expectation placed on a person is high, that person will perform better, just because they want to achieve that expectation.

A very good example would have to be Forrest Gump. This, being a great movie, shows us how anyone can achieve great things, no matter what their situation is. Yes, it's movie, but still it can appy to many things.

Forrest Gump has well below average intelligence, but still manages to do so many things. Finishing school, going to college, going to the army and fighting in Vietnam, being a ping pong champion, owning a shrimp company, being shareholder of Apple. All this because his mother told him that he can be whatever he wants to be, and being less intelligent, in a way, help him, because he doesn't understand that a person with his condition "can't" do a lot.

So you see, believing big, sometimes let's you achieve big.

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